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Kick-starting my Mojo

Hi to anyone who's out there, anyone who's listening!
I will forgive you for thinking you are in the wrong place because that's how it feels to me too...

I had gotten so stuck in the mud with the old look Finding my Bliss blogspot that I had to do something about it, I needed to get my mojo back and so the idea was to go for a new look template. That's when disaster struck, yikes!  The seven years of my beautiful blog nearly went down the plug hole, that is to say I nearly deleted her after everything got into an almighty muddle...   All of the formatting I had painstakingly laboured over on previous posts to get 'the look' now looked extremely messy... Just one click of the delete button was so very near!  I thought who will bother to read it anyway after all of this time in limbo and now that blogging is not cutting edge anymore and most of my previous contacts have already given up, why should I continue and why should I sort it out anyway?  But I got the better of my almost knee-jerk reaction, something popped up and saved me from executing her! Somewhere in my navigating the new template I came across an old post that startled me ~  .'Creating a photo story with Meaning & Metaphor'   The work I had put into that post and the enthusiasm I had, the sheer joy of creating shouted out at me 'NO'!  Even if it's just for your own joy and personal satisfaction you can get your mojo back!  So here I am again.

Something else colluded with this decision I visited 'What's Deb Doing' a ten year running blog. Deb, a photographer and inspirational creative light boosted my intention and determination to sort out the blessed template with this beautiful post ~   "Becoming Whole Again"  So late into the night while Jasper my dog sat patiently by the bedroom door waiting for me to retire I got to grips with things...   Anyway this is it, the new Finding my Bliss, I've not completely ironed out all the glitches and I dare not go too far back into my archive for fear there is too much editing to do but will at some point. This new revised verson has not got the same  personal touch I feel as my former blog but will suffice for now and does the job of kick starting my mojo!


Anonymous said…
Love popping in and finding you hard at work! Great job! Managing a blog is time consuming and as you know...I've gotten to a point that mine is "just for me." Love the image!!
Fatima Ahmad said…
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