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This thing called grief, what is it?    Is it something to fight and conquer or subdue like it's an enemy wanting to hold you down, keep you in it's grip, stifle the life out of you? This is how I have been feeling, like I am held down and captive from fully engaging with life, and yet, there is this ~>
Tinkling, there is this faint awareness of something out there, or perhaps within, or maybe both but it is always there wanting to connect... It is both magical and mystical in nature and I know it can become tangible, these days it is mostly elusive but as long as it calls to me I know I am alive! It is somewhat like the siren calls of mystical mermaids in Greek mythology, beautiful and alluring but perhaps with a hint of risk attached. I have some clues where this thing dwells it can be found in the filtered light coming through some open door or window ~>
Today I came across this beautiful video through an open window, a chance meeting in my life, a coincidence, although some mystics would say there are no coincidences, that everything, every juncture is as it is supposed to be! I'm not sure but what I am sure about is the resonance I had with this conversation. I do not personally know the women chatting but I felt like I was right there with them nodding as they talked about the healing process of creativity how it has the power to transform. It touched me deeply in so many ways, I could relate to this, to past times when creativity gave me a safe place to empty myself while walking the dark paths that straddle life. 
You would be receiving a gift if you were to listen in on the conversation, especially if you need to bring painful hidden feelings to the surface...
See ~>    Flora Bowley in conversation with Shiloh Sophia
Orlando ~> In the wake of yet another episode on the sad register of humankind's hurt to fellow humans what a blessing it is to be a part of an evolving force of sisterhood joining hands across the ether to strengthen all bonds of love....

The Sensory Light  ~ A creative outpouring for Haiku my Heart ~> 

I hear soft tinkling

drifting with sensory light

whisperer of love

I see love and trust

holding hands through the ether

a global embrace

Global embrace feels

love's ever~ quickening pulse

a sisterly vibe

The sisterhood vibe

is spreading love and trust through

a window of words

The window of words

floats with the sensory light

permeating Peace

Joining Rebecca and the circle of friends at ~
Recuerda mi Corazon


Lea said…
Dearest Sue... joining hands with you in this circle of sensory light, looking through the windows of our hearts... thank you for these gifts that you share, they are balm for this time of trying to understand these senseless acts of hurt to each other, for we are truly one... and this thread of creativity... I think it holds the key. Yes. I do. XO
J C said…
I can only say this post fills my heart with love and peace.
gma said…
I listened to Flora and Shiloh earlier in the week and wholeheartedly agree. Using our creativity with intention brings healing light to soothe our sorrows.
Gillena Cox said…
this is a beautiful inspiring piece

much love...
rebecca said…
dearest friend,
may we all send our love light out into this world through our thoughts, words and actions. every moment is a new chance to choose peace. to believe and hold clear intentions for every ones highest and best good. healing is a constant journey. i am so grateful to walk this path right beside you-even though there is an ocean between us-i feel nothing separates us or our love for the world.
Anonymous said…
Sue...I so enjoyed this post and thank you for introducing me to Flora Bowley's site. I didn't know it at the time, but I turned to a camera to deal with my father's Alzheimer's...and so I know firsthand the healing that creativity brings. Thank you, Thank you. And I adore your image!!
Catherine said…
Beautiful work throughout this site.....the more I explore the more I understand.....

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