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Have you received a hug today?

I belong to this really lovely yoga group,
the circle is part of a larger group which seems to be growing...
A little while back however, I felt a bit awkward and a little bit reticent at joining in...!
A new member of the group who I assumed to be an extrovert started this hugging thing off!

I am your typical reserved English introvert by nature and like to keep my safe 'personal space' if you know what I mean ;~) if anyone gets their mat too close to mine in yoga I'm soon shuffling mine away ;~)

Anyway I'm happy to report I have challenged my personal foibles and now am a fully bonded member of the hugging group!

credit ~

This synchronized nicely with the above information on a 'Time Line' photo my daughter posted on Facebook, we have been doing a lot of hugging recently as she is going through a rough patch with her Bi-polar...

Which leads me to the subject of e-hugs!

Have you e-hugged anyone today?

Or have you been e-hugged?

In yoga if you are not able to perform a pose for whatever reason but would like to, it is said by visualizing the pose you will be able to receive benefits just the same!

So go ahead ~ send someone a  e-hug and bond! :~)x

BTW You might like to send Charlotte a hug here ~  One Step at a Time 

Linking with 
Postcards from Paradise, where lots of this type of thing goes on!
Recuerda mi Corazon


rebecca said…
my darling sue,

offering you my hand, heart and a warm compassionate loving hug.
one step at a time, with a smattering of hugs in between and we shall find our way!
love your post today and the true power of visualizing love... i believe!
Charlotte said…
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous xxxx
suzanne said…
feeling it (and understanding your need for space, i respect that too!). but my arms are also outstretched to you my friend from over here - may we find love from the world out there and love for ourselves from the mat and our practice. xx
Carola Bartz said…
Love that cow mug!!
I like hugs, but NOT from everyone. I can be terribly reserved with some people.
Cute - love the moo mugs, or is that moo hugs :) Hugs were not handed out very often growing up, and are now perfunctory, so I am a bit reticent about "hugging" - but e-hugs are safe :) and it's the intent behind them - right? :) May we always feel loved, even through moo-hugs, or e-hugs :)
Annie Jeffries said…
What fun. I will never be self-conscious about an extended hug again. Here's one for you. (((hugs)))

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