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Pool of Possibility

Today I'm home from a
not so joyful trip to the coast,
cut short by two days
on account of ~>
one dog with an ulcerated eye
that may turn to a more serious and costly condition
that has plagued him before, a melting ulcer.
If this condition is not monitored he
could loose his eyesight.

So what to do?

Today's DailyOM speaks about taking five minutes
to do something that makes you happy
in order to turn things around.

So here goes ~> 

I'm diving deep into the blue pool of possibility ~>~>

I surface and take my droplet of hope,

and cast it far and wide in anticipation

that my mantra of  'what is needed for this day' will be met.

Sending my joyful hope to ~>

Meri's Musings
Share the Joy Thursday


Cat said…
Oh this is gorgeous Sue
a droplet of Hope is sometimes just enough to get us where we are going...amazing thing Hope
I loved this!
thank you

hope things go well for your dog♥

love and light
Anonymous said…
Sue, well received. All we can do is offer up our little droplet of hope and together fill the world.

also...would love to see a pop up paint pop up in your neck of the woods. Not that we invented this movement but at a time...bringing joy to an empty space.
Exquisite photos! And I love the suggestion to do something that makes you happy to turn things around! Will keep that in mind... Diving into that blue pool too :)

Am sorry to hear of your dog's condition and "hope" :) that it will improve... Christine
rebecca said…
that you can offer us such profound beauty even in your moment of need touches me deeply.
holding you close and your little fur one too!
Meri said…
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your pooch (and the costs associated with the issue). But, amazingly, our needs are met and we are tenderly held. I'll be saying a prayer for your pup.

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