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Sue's Full Flower Moon

Well, this dreamboarding activity has become quite an addiction, not just because I love the chance to use my creative energy but because as I intuit the process it becomes more intriguing! 

For me this time I felt drawn to the image of a 'strong woman' that some of you commented on from my last dreamboard.  Again, I saw two similar images of scarecrows on the same newspaper page, I just had to include them.  The words scary, freedom and adventure all popped out at me along with the clock telling the time, also images of distant shores and peoples captured my attention.

This is so compelling and right in line with my current personal awareness reading. When I stood back and looked at my dreamboard, it seems to speak to me!  The scarecrow and it's reflection reminds me of my own duality which can be scary at times! Freedom can be a scary route to take, but it is well worth the effort of facing personal fears for the adventures in store!!! 
To make your own Dreamboard see Jamie Ridler Studios.


Beverley Baird said…
I love your dreamboard! I enjoyed reading your process for choosing the images.may all those dreams be fulfilled!
(Thanks for stopping y and leaving such a lovely comment.)
gina said…
Wow--great dreamboard! The colors, images, and shapes all fit together so well. Yes, you have lots of adventures ahead--go for it!
yours is a piece of art
great job!

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